Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
BSFW is a group dedicated to getting writers producing content with a professional polish for publication. They offer critique groups and workshops to members with regular guest lectures from those working in the industry today including Diana Pho and N.K. Jemisin. Your first 2 months are free to participate so you can decide if you like them before they collect modest monthly dues. The membership is currently a pay what you feel starting at $5 a month with options to scale up if you want to go the extra step in supporting the growing community. And since we are one of the few literary magazines that accept a single re-submission per story, we encourage submitters to bring their story, reworked from our feedback, to a critique group and send it right back—that is, if you don’t get a yes from us right away.

What We Do
The Mission of the Kaleidocast is to showcase new voices in speculative fiction alongside stories from today’s top writers. It was created to improve the writing of active Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers members by motivating them towards a tangible goal: Write at a professional level. Therefore, submissions, other than those solicited by the producers, are only open to active BSFW members. Don't let that stop you though! It's easy to join and open to anybody who can attend critique meetings.
Having said that, we are always on the lookout for talented voice actors, sound engineers, and artists! Please contact us if you would like to be involved.
The Crew
Jason A. Smith
Senior Editor, Sound Engineer, Actor